Tenshinryu School!

About Us

a virtual space dedicated to the authentic and profound teaching of the Japanese traditional martial art Tenshinryu. Here, tradition merges with innovation to offer a unique and enriching learning experience.


Our History:

Tenshinryu School has its roots 400 years ago, passing down knowledge from generation to generation. Driven by the passion to preserve and share this martial art, they have elevated the school to new heights, adapting it to the needs of the digital era.

Our Visión

At Tenshinryu Online School, we aspire to spread the core values of Tenshinryu worldwide. We seek not only to teach combat techniques but also to cultivate a strong spirit, a clear mind, and a united community.

Values and teaching philosophy

The “Tenshinryu (天心流)” school was founded during the Edo Kan’ei era (寛永) by Yahei Tokizawa (時沢弥兵衛). Its origins trace back to a special group operating in the shadows to protect the Tokugawa shogunate (徳川幕府) called Shirin no Dan (士林の団), a secret group of samurai engaged in espionage work to support the Tokugawa world from the shadows.

Serving under Munenori Yagyu (柳生宗矩), who had created many “Kata (勢法, techniques)”. Tenshinryu originated from “Shinkage ryu (新陰流).” Yahei integrated techniques from Shinkage ryu and those created by Munenori into Tenshinryu. Tenshinryu was transmitted as a sword school to serve in the castle, known as “Joshi no Ken (城士 の 剣)”.

Tenshinryu is a school of “Hyoho (兵法)” (comprehensive martial arts), including the following arts:

  • Tenshinryu is a school of “Hyoho (兵法)” (comprehensive martial arts), including the following arts:

  • Kenjutsu (剣術): The art of the sword.

  • Battojutsu (抜刀術): The art of drawing the sword.

  • Sojutsu (槍術): The art of the spear.

  • Jumonjiyarijutsu (十文字槍術): The art of the cross-shaped spear.

  • Naginatajutsu (薙刀術): The art of the halberd.

  • Kusarigamajutsu (鎖鎌術): The art of the chain sickle.

  • Tesajyutu (鉄鎖術): The art of the chain.

  • Yawara/Jujutsu (柔): The art of unarmed combat.


Tenshinryu incorporates techniques used within castles known as “Denchu Toho Saya no Uchi (殿中刀法鞘之中).” In addition to studying Uchigatana forms (打 刀, Japanese sword), techniques with Tachi (太 刀, ancient Japanese sword) are also learned, and this martial art is referred to as Koden (古 伝, ancient transmission). Furthermore, Tenshinryu imparts modern individuals with the knowledge of rich tactics and techniques needed in various situations such as lying down, waking up, sitting, standing, walking, and running.

It is an extraordinary martial art!

Values and teaching philosophy

At the Tenshinryu Online School, we adhere to a set of values and a teaching philosophy rooted in the fundamental principles of Tenshinryu and respect for our students. Here are some of the values and philosophy that guide our teaching:

Respect and Courtesy: We foster an environment of mutual respect among all members of our community. We believe that respect is the foundation for effective learning and meaningful personal growth.

Humility: We value humility as a fundamental virtue. We encourage our students to maintain an open mind, be willing to learn from everyone regardless of their skill level, and accept feedback constructively.

Integrity: We promote honesty and integrity in all interactions. We believe in transparency and sincerity, both in the practice of martial arts and in the relationship between instructors and students.

Perseverance: We recognize that the path of Tenshinryu requires effort and dedication over time. We encourage perseverance and patience in daily practice, understanding that progress is achieved gradually.

Commitment to Excellence: We seek excellence in teaching and in the practice of Tenshinryu. We strive to provide our students with the tools and knowledge necessary to reach their full potential in the martial art.

Holistic Development: We value personal growth in all aspects of life. The philosophy of Tenshinryu extends beyond the dojo, promoting the holistic development of the individual.

Inclusive Community: We strive to create an inclusive and diverse community where all students feel welcome and respected, regardless of their background, gender, orientation, or ability.

Adaptive Teaching: We recognize that each student is unique, with their own strengths and challenges. We adapt our teaching to meet individual needs and foster effective learning.

In summary, our philosophy focuses on creating an environment where students not only acquire physical skills but also develop a strong, ethical, and respectful mindset. We are committed to guiding our students on their journey to mastery of Tenshinryu and helping them apply the principles learned in their daily lives.

Learn From The Best Martial Arts Instructors

Nakamura Tenshin
(中村 天心)

9th Grandmaster

Kuwami Masakumo
(鍬海 政雲)

10º Grandmaster

Ide Ryusetsu
(井手 柳雪)

11º Grandmaster

Arakawa Ganryu
(荒川 岸柳)


Gabriel Getsu-jyo
